When packaging design makes magical moments

One tried-and-tested way to generate customer satisfaction is by creating magical moments. Not the hocus pocus kind, but rather moments that get customers to say, “ahh…”, “that was nice”, or “how cool!” Magical moments can occur anywhere your brand is portrayed. Through superior customer service, a well-oiled functioning website, loyalty programs, and – of course – packaging.

Let’s focus on the latter.

There’s more than a few opportunities to create magical moments with product packaging. In many cases, it might be the first and only opportunity you have to make your big impression. How can you generate warm-fuzzies with a box? Well, first off, it’s more than a box, isn’t it? If we are thinking it’s only a box, then a whole lot of opportunities are missed.

Sparking magical moments doesn’t necessarily need to be a grand gesture.

The shape and functionality of your packaging can be enough to make a big punch. The Evian water drop packaging comes to mind. Multi-purpose packaging design can also generate appreciation. Like this cereal box that turns itself into cut-out characters.

Sparking magical moments doesn’t necessarily need to be a grand gesture. Or expensive. Use of decorative packaging tape, ribbon and stickers easily pave the way to hooking a customer. Tissue paper, product samples and enclosed notes and coupons aid in making a customer feel valued.

The key is to know your target audience. Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself “how can I make this packaging stand out, appear special, and show our customers that they are appreciated?” We here are ARD are experts at creating magical moments with packaging. Don’t miss an opportunity to let us help make your products stand out above the rest!

Text credits: ARD / agi

Images credits: Boundless Studio / Kix Cereal

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